On Valkyrie, Disir, and Guardian Angels.

There is very little biblically to support the concept of a personal guardian angel aside from a few verses. In the Bible the Abrahamic God usually sent an angelic being down to carry a message or perform an act, such as protecting a biblical character. This alone does not make up for the fact that many Christians, primarily those of European ancestry, have a strong belief in guardian angels. There have been many paintings of guardian angels throughout Europe since the renaissance (and possible before). While this is not biblically sound it is supported in Germanic Heathenism.
The concept is that of the Disir (plural). “A Dis (Lady) is a ghost, spirit or deity associated with fate who can be either benevolent or antagonistic towards mortals” (Wikipedia).
It can be said that Dis are ghost, ancestors who are watching over their descendants. The same concept applies to when people refer to when someone dies has “become an angel”, as you will often hear older women say. The word is also applied to the Valkyries who serve Freya and Odin, watching over mankind to only interfere when needed or to bring the chosen fallen to the Valhalla, Hell or the Hall of their patron God. Female deities are also referred to as Dis. Freya being one of the primary Goddess of the Vanir Gods is also known as Vanadis. The Norns (Goddess who are either thought to look over well at the bottom of Yggdrasil or weave the tapestry of mankind’s fate) are also referred to a Disir.
Another concept is the Matres / Matronae (Mothers / Matrons) who were German, Gaul and Northern Italy in origins. They appeared in sets of three much like the Norns.
These concepts were prevalent in much of Indo-European culture, especially in the Northern / Germanic cultures. Therefore, one can easily conclude that Dis, especially Valkyrie and ancestors, were transformed into Guardian Angels by the Church when proselytizing. Much like Goddess such as Freya were turned into the Holy Lady or Mary, and other Goddess such as the Celtic Brigid were turned into Saints. The people took to these concepts strongly and continued to teach them and pass them down as they were a part of their culture.
It is interestingly it is the female and motherly forms of our Ancestors, Spirits, and Goddess who watch over us. As their love for mankind and their offspring is by nature and should be cherished and respected.
A Dísablót was a sacrificial festival to honor the Dis. While the history behind this is more in-depth than I can write about at this time feel free to look up the event yourself. However, there is one way that we can go about continuing to honor the Dis. By performing blót and giving symbolic offerings. By showing our Mothers and Grandmothers, as well as our Wives and Sisters respect. And by remembering the female Goddess such as Freya / Frigga when we pray. So, when you see an image of a guardian angel gauging some Children across a perilous bridge think of the ancestral, familial and spiritual women in your lives who have cared for you.
----- Zach Gill
Hammer and Vajra!


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