Hammer and Vajra Ethos


Hammer and Vajra is an Indo-European and esoteric spiritual focused project created as a guideline for those Pagans and Heathens lost in this modern world but craving the wisdom and traditions of our ancestors. Creating a Yin Yang (陰陽) dualistic balancing act of adapting to the modern while incorporating the ancient and natural, embracing the masculine while respecting the feminine. Fighting the dark while accepting its merits.  Leading fulfilling lives that have communion with the Gods and our ancestral wisdom while existing in this silicone enslaved society.

At Hammer and Vajra we acknowledge that enlightenment isn't for the weak. It isn't for the weak of mind, the weak of spirit, nor the weak of body.  No enlightenment is forged without blood, meditations on spiritual esoteric concepts that will leave you dumbfounded, and a strive for life.

We are Hammer and Vajra. Men and Women tempered with the Hammer of the Gods into the Diamond like Vajra to pierce through the lies and embrace our true potential. ---Zach Gill, Hammer and Vajra!


As a Group our goal is to hammer and mold each and every member into a better, more enlightened, and stronger being.  This will be the mixture of a Warrior's body and determination, a philosopher’s mind, and a mystic's spirits.  These methods will be done through a physical, spiritual and philosophical program which will include Physical Exercise / Self Defense Survival / Combat, Indo-European Rites and Rituals based on ideals of our Ancestors, as well as meditation, study of philosophy and Mysticism and our ancestral histories.

1.       WISDOM: The promotion of Ancient Wisdom applied to the modern trappings.  This wisdom is both esoteric and modern, often mystic.  Some of these words of wisdom will challenge your beliefs and may offend. They are not “edgy” for shock value but are honest in their presentation.  This wisdom will primarily be from Indo-European / Iranian based sources. While Eastern and Far Eastern traditions maybe utilized in a Universality manner depending on its closeness in the Nature and origin to that of the Indo European. We do not Support Abrahamic ideals thought or worship. This isn't against them directly. However, more often than not their ideals are in direct opposition to ours.

2.       DIVINITY:  Primarily Indo European Based polytheism is promoted within our group.   Other Tribal and related spiritualistic are welcomed as is philosophy. As long as they inspire deep though and thinking on a higher plane and are relatable to progression.  Communication with these higher beings as well as our potential enlightened self as a reflection of these deities within us through journey, ritual, meditation and magics is encouraged and expected of members.

3.       Heritage / Tribe and the Ancestral:  We believe that Heritage, lineage, and your ancestors are not only important but make up who you are as a person. While many people might argue that an individual decides who they are by decisions, which is true especially in the cases of people who come from a bad family life or who are taking a stand in what they believe, much of their mindset, reactions, and instincts will come from their DNA. Many studies have theorized that through DNA much more than looks and biology is passed down. This is a part of our tribal and ancestral heritage. In many ways we are our ancestors and our descendants are us.

Our Tribe / Kindred is that of Indo-European heritage with a focus on the European and Northern European and some Slavic aspects. This includes cultural history and customs handed down throughout the ages. While traditional Iranian, Hindu, and Eastern cultures may be referenced and honored it is not our primary focus or expertise at this moment. There is no judgment based off of one’s skin color. We are not the blood police. It is not our place to tell an individual that they do not have enough of a percentage of Indo-European blood to be a member. However, we are a Tribal and Ancestry based group and those who are not of this descent might feel a bit out of place. Also, it might be more useful to them to discover and honor their own tribal ancestry. Also, we are not a Viking LARP group or Ayran Pure blood group.  Having more Scandinavian blood than another member does not make you more of an expert, even if you are 100% and from those countries. Indo-European and Germanic culture is beyond that of the Vikings alone.    

4.       Martial Prowess:  The ability to defend oneself, one's Family / Tribe, one's Nation, and Freedom comes at the price of being ready to do so. Mind, Body and Spirit.  

5.      Honor / Deed : Your deeds are what you leave behind.  Right and wrong are obvious human virtues that are not only defined and in existence due to Abrahamic Religions. While each tribe may have its own variation, the people within the tribe will either conform to it or fight against and break off to make their own tribe based off their own ideals. This is the nature of the world. Right and wrong in most cases is obvious however we will lay some ground rules further below. One thing that should always be kept in mind is that ultimately, we all die. While Reincarnation and being taken to the Hall of a God / Goddess or to Asgard / Elysium is something shared by almost all Indo-European belief systems, the majority of people are going to Hel / Hades. Regardless of what happens there and beyond we all will end up as bones or ash here on Earth. At that point we can only be judged by the life we've led.  As Odin is thought to have said in the Havamal:     

Cattle die, kindred die,
Every man is mortal:
But I know one thing that never dies,
The glory of the great dead

Havamal 77


(These apply to the Facebook Page as well as to the Group and Organization at Large)

1.       RACISM: This is not the number one in our rules for virtue signaling. This is here because it needs to be said in today's day and age. There are other groups that promote the values and ideals much like ours. Many of them I believe are absolutely not political in nature. However, many of them do not come straight out and say the following. We are not Neo Nazi's, KKK, White Supremacy or White Nationalist! We are a tribal and ancestral based spiritual group first and foremost. Any usage of symbols that may be politically tied (Such as various Sun Symbols, Runes, etc.) are done so out of respect for their spiritual representation not any political ideology.  You should have pride in your people, your family, your ancestors, and their traditions.  Wanting to protect and honor your way of life and your land is a respectable deed but should be done so with Wisdom and integrity as well as a steeled firmness. This is not on the basis of skin color but of tribal, national and family ties. No one is superior or subservient based on the pigmentation of their skin.  That is a lie that the system has put in place to ensure that everyone fits into the pegs that the corrupt world order desires them to. That being said “white guilt” isn't welcome any more than blatant racism.

2.       VIRTUES: There are many sets of Virtues from our pre-Christian Ancestors that morality can be derived from. Many Heathen groups utilize the 9 Noble Virtues. These are Courage, Truth, Honor, Fidelity, Discipline, Hospitality, Self-Reliance, Industriousness, and Perseverance.  These 9 have been derived from and based off of verses in the Edda's and the Havamal. These are not universally accepted. However, Hammer and Vajra is not about universalism but tribalism. If you do not agree with our ideals you are welcome to go elsewhere.  This being said freedom of speech and ideologies from other Indo-European wisdom are welcome for veneration and debate. 

3.      FRITH: While Frith could be taken as a form of virtue in itself. Though Frith alone was very important to our Indo-European Ancestors especially those who were Ethnically Germanic / Norse. It could be said that Frith was a major ideal which the basis of much Germanic society if not a majority of Western ideals stems from. A good description of Frith is “Derived from Old English friðu, friþ, it is cognate to Old Norse friðr, Old High German fridu, German Friede, Dutch vrede, West Frisian frede, Icelandic friður, Common Scandinavian fred (all with meanings similar to "peace" or "calm") and also root-cognate to friend.

Frith Culture: “In terms of Anglo-Saxon and post-Anglo-Saxon culture, the term has a considerably broader scope and meaning. Frith has a great deal to do not only with the state of peace but also with the nature of social relationships conducive to peace. Moreover, it has strong associations with stability and security.

In Swedish, two different words with different meanings have developed from this word, the words fred (state of no war) and frid (state of no disturbance) and also the expression that something is "fredat/fredad" more or less "peaced" denoting things that are not to be touched such as animals not to be hunted or flowers not to be picked. The English word became obsolete in the Middle English period but survived into the 17th century in the compound frith-silver "feudal payment". Quoted from Wikipedia on 3JUN2018. In terms of Anglo-Saxon and post-Anglo-Saxon culture, the term has a considerably broader scope and meaning. Frith has a great deal to do not only with the state of peace but also with the nature of social relationships conducive to peace. Moreover, it has strong associations with stability and security.

The word friþgeard meaning "asylum, sanctuary" was used for sacrosanct areas. A friþgeard would then be any enclosed area given over to the worship of the gods. Seating oneself on a frith-stool was sometimes a requirement for claiming sanctuary in certain English churches. Frith is also used in the context of fealty, as an expression of the relationship between a lord and his people. Frith is inextricably related to the state of kinship, which is perhaps the strongest indicator of frith. In this respect, the word can be coterminous with another significant Anglo-Saxon root-word, sib (from which the word 'sibling' is derived) - indeed the two are frequently interchanged. In this context, frith goes further than expressing blood ties, and encompasses all the concomitant benefits and duties which kinship engenders.  Frith also has a legal significance: peace was effectively maintained in Anglo-Saxon times by the frith-guild, an early manifestation of summary justice. In the post-Conquest poem Rime of King William, a deorfrið (literally animal-frith) referred to one of the royal forests set up by William the Conqueror, probably the New Forest in particular. Stefan Jurasinski argued that frið here could have carried the legal notion of protection (Latin: pax).[3]Quoted from Wikipedia on 3JUN2018.

4.       PHYSICAL / WARRIOR CULTURE: We do not expect everyone to be the most skillful Samurai, fearless Spartan, or Viking Berserker. However, using these inspirations as fuel for a fire to work hard to be in good shape, learn survival techniques, develop the ability to defend oneself and one’s family, is very important if not essential.  Members will be expected to work out on the regular. This will include challenging oneself in Weight Lifting, Martial Arts, and general healthy life styles.  

5.       RITES, RITUAL, MYSTISM:  There is a given mindset of accepted mysticism that comes along with the word Pagan or Heathen.  Your personal interpretation of the Gods, Spirits and ancestors is your own. Ours has been stated above. However, encouraged will be the Rites and mysteries of our forefathers and the midwives of old, as well as the Volva / Vitki style spirit journeying and rune casting. Usage of ritual such as prayers, blots (offerings to the Gods and spirts) as well as dance and song will be common placed and taken pride in.  Magics and spellcraft such as Forn Seid, Seidr, Wicca, Alchemy, Eastern practices like that of Tantric Hindu / Buddhism, Talisman work and Shugendo / Shinto or Taoism will be welcome as long as it is done so in an Indo-European focus or based off of Indo-European culture and ideals. We are not here to focus on other culture's as we would not want to disrespect them, and we have our own to master. However, there are many things that ancient cultures may share in common.

6.       FAMILY: Though it isn't number one on this list it is one of the most important concepts we have. Without family society would not exist. A healthy family life can change a person’s outcome. Closeness with one’s family can allow them a place to heal and grow unlike the “safe places” of the current generations. Family is how we get here, and family is how our descendants and our culture continue.

7.       THE SYSTEM, THE EMPIRE, AND MILITARY SERVICE:  Many groups out there will throw around terms such as the System or the Empire. At its core there are many ideologies we may share with these groups such as being against forced corporate globalization, greedy empirical gains for nothing but wealth on the back of the poor no matter where they reside.  Or cultural Marxism, communism, and forced multiculturalism.  That being said while these ideals are often aspects of the Nations that we reside in and against our Tribal values, this does not mean we should shut ourselves off from society. Standing firmly against these ideals is important as is serving the Nation in which you live or your forefathers founded. Remember that protecting your homeland and your tribe may require assisting the nation at large in defeating a mutual enemy or threat. In Hammer and Vajra, military, police, or governmental service is looked upon favorably and with Honor as long as the duty is performed with honor.  This does not mean we stand for all the ideologies presented by the society at large.

8.       ENVIROMENTALISM: The World / Earth/ Terra / Gaia / Midgard / ect is where we all reside. It is center of our universe because it is what has sustained and given birth to human life. No matter what God or Science you believe created humanity you cannot deny the Earth what has facilitated humanity. And its development. Just as Family is important, the proper stewardship of the planet of which our descendants and our potential reincarnated selves will live on is important.  It is important also in honor our heritage, our culture, and the lands our ancestors grew up in and the nations they forged. Last but not least there is the spiritual and animistic interactions with the planet. The energy of the planet and the spirits / Gods which may directly relate to this energy isn't ours to destroy beyond reasoning. This doesn't mean that one shouldn't build facilities, homes, temples, schools etc., but that we should maintain a proper balance. This includes the consumption of meat / other life forms. Enough to sustain your life and those of your family is important. But the lives of those animals of which you kill to sustain yourselves should be taken out of respect with thanks given to the animal before consumption. 


POLITICIS: While our stances and beliefs may seem to put us in on one side of the political spectrum or the other we are not a political group. How member's vote or who they stand for politically is up to them. Our focus is on the order and Frith our Tribe / Kindred and our Families. Needless to say, most members will likely fall under the political ideologies that are similar to ones the tribe supports. 

SEXUALITY:  Much of our Focus is on the Tribe both within Hammer and Vajra and the fostering of members own family and kinship. That being said we understand that having a family in this day and age isn't for everyone and not everyone is of the same sexual preference.  If members are Heterosexual, Homosexual, or Bisexual is not our business.  There will be a focus on a Heterosexual world view, but concepts of sexual esoterica such as Tantric concepts can be discussed but it will maintain Fidelity.  Being faithful to one’s partner no matter who he or she may be, anything outside of that relationship is your business but our Tribe and Kindred is not the platform for it.

Masculinity: We do not agree with the current trends of the feminization of males. We do not believe in so called “Toxic Masculinity”.  We endorse the ancient male concepts of brotherhood, hunter gather, fatherhood, and warrior culture as well as that of sisterhood and maternity. In fact, a return to traditional masculinity will be a major focus of our group for we believe it is the grounds for a close family and a strong society / tribe.

Feminism:   Both Genders should have Equality based on Merit as well as biological strengths and weaknesses. As stated above regarding “Toxic Masculinity” the same goes for direct sexism. That does not mean the traditional family setting or a focus on motherhood or the midwife / Volva mysticism is to be considered sexist.  The Sex's are different inherently but that does not mean a female cannot be a warrior and a male cannot take care of his household chores and family matters.

10.    MEMES / MOTIVATIONAL POSTS: While a good joke now and then is permittable, as well as a poem or uplifting motivational posts this is not the platform for the newest meme dump.

Currently there is no Membership dues or broader organization outside of our online community and individual meetups of members.  Support can be shown by being active online and getting out there with other members to foster a sense of community and culture based on our ideals. In the Future there will be books and propaganda, as well as patches, T-shirts, and artistic endeavors lead by founders and members.

Banning and Membership revocation will be on a person by person basis and based on a three-strike system.



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